Monday, July 23, 2012

SDCC: My Comic Con week in Retrospect

I wish I would have had a moment to really sit down and write something enthusiastic and committed to this year's pilgrimage down to San Diego for Comic Con, however this year I'm just feeling a little disconnected. I had a good deal of fun and met a group of great girls(817 girls are Hiddleston lovers, and full-on brilliant) but I've had to jump back into the day to day stuff so quickly that I just don't feel like getting too deeply into a list of all the crazy things I did and saw. I probably couldn't even if I tried, so I'll keep it simply focused on a few important things.

What I will say is, I survived on two beverages. 
Coffee & Vodka. (more than sometimes together)

A lovely room can gain clutter in only hours when you add 6 ladies to it.

The Manchester Grand Hyatt can give you a beautiful view of the world.

Sometimes you can have fun at the end of a long day, during the short trip to the lobby.
(always underdressed & always to pick-up food.)

Sometimes Thursday is just the beginning of your week,

Sometimes your roommate will ask you to turn them into a member of the walking dead!

Ladies who love Superman can also take photos with Rebels frozen in carbonite.

Spock is and always will be... a hero. ;)

The time just got away from me this year and I am choosing to remember it as a very sloppy, happy blur of chaotic yet perfectly special events. 

I cannot wait for my nerd vacation again next year, if it allows. 
It's the only time I get to wear my t-shirts! ;p

1 comment:

  1. SO very jealous of you! looks like so much fun.
